Tuesday, August 23

vaykay fini

Ah well, all things time takes care of. My peaceful two weeks of vacation are finito and I'm back in the swing of work. After two weeks of not driving around I've totally rediscovered people drive like absolute idiots, haha. I really must get some decent music in my car too, rockin along on the drive makes it so much more pleasureable.

Gas prices - OUCH!!!! Up to 99.9cents a LITRE which is around $4 a gallon for you US readers.

I got a lot crocheted and knitted over the R&R time at home. I swear my favorite time of day is waking up around 8 o'clock, grabbing my coffee and sitting on my deck just listening to the nothingness joy of nature sounds. We live outside the city so there are no traffic sounds either. Total rejuvenation for the soul...my blood pressure must have been so steady, LOL.

So here's my Ripple Shawl I finished. I found my "lusted after" LB Microspun!! FINALLY, the Michael's stores here carry it. It's $5.49 a ball. When I bought it I could have sworn the pattern said 3 balls and of course I get home and look at the pattern again and realize it's 6 balls!! Doh. Oh well, it's verrrrry soft and the shawl should be perfect for days when it's too cold in my office. I just love the colors of Microspun too. I sucked my sister into modelling it for me, hehe.

Well I best get some work done here,...got a "power project" to run through.